What is Proprompter?
We started a source for prompt engineering and have expanded to an AI marketplace for sharing ideas and getting work done.
Find custom GPTs for any purpose
Search for GPTs that can do almost anything. Many of our community members also offer customization services. Just click on the listing to see features, customization services and pricing. New custom GPTs are being added everyday.
Share your work
Have you created a custom GPT, AI art or maybe a magic prompt? Share them (for free) with an emerging AI community.
List a service
- Post a listing for your custom GPTs, AI art and AI prompts and earn money by offering customization services to end users. Click “List A Service” to get started.
- Post listings for free.
- Buy featured listings ($19.00 for 30 days) to be featured at the top of the search results.
- Fees on services completed: 10%
- Payment frequency: Payments to service providers are made weekly on Wednesday for work completed by the previous Sunday.
- Payment methods: Paypal (more coming soon)
Post A Request
- Post any kind of AI project (big or small) in order to attract AI specialist service providers that will turn your project into reality. Click “Post A Request” to get started.
- Post listings for free.
- Buy featured listings ($19.00 for 30 days) to be featured at the top of the search results.